
the art of
Jeremiah LeBlanc

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Desolate Sign

rain falls amidst a desolate sign standing beside the highway in the Montreal / Laval industrial park

I guess it was the sad day following the death of our cat, Jaja, after she jumped from the balcony of our apartment (suicide?). It was so unexpected and definitely shocking. Although she was a cat, the impression dawned on me just as horrificly: as I didn't see her as I neared the balcony ( thinking she hopped down from the tree or safely some other way - worrying how I would retrieve her ) only to find, peering over the final side-railing, to discover a lifeless body sprawled on the pavement. That familiar form, the familiar colours, that had somehow gone all wrong through its familiarity. A dead body is something you never equate to someone or something. At least I hadn't. Even though she was a cat, the tragedy still clings to me. Rest in peace, Jaja.